Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Over Halfway done!!

Well, the month of May went fast and so did June... Holy smokes its already July!! We've had lots of visitors, lots of physical therapy, a few doctor appointments and x-rays, and lots of good days (with a few hard ones in between). 

After Chris's parents left, my sister Annie and brother-in-law Brad and their family came to visit.  We were so happy to see them!! Nash and Hattie had so much fun with her cousins, Alexis and Wyatt.  We went swimming, went to the beach and watched a turtle get released back into the ocean, went to Lion Country Safari, ate some great seafood and spent lots of time enjoying each other.  They all came to see Nash at therapy the first day they were here. After that they just stayed with Hattie while Nash and I went alone.   It was a great visit and we all cried when they left. I keep trying to talk them into coming back! :)

A week went by and we got to have other visitors. Uncle Steve and Aidan came to visit!! The kids were so excited to see their big brother.  They hugged him for a long time. It was Aidan's first time flying so it was nice that he came with Uncle Steve.  It was so good to have them here! Uncle Steve was a great helper with the house and kids and Aidan helped entertain them.  We had a great visit.  We went swimming...a lot. We also took them to Lion Country Safari and to see the turtles. (Our favorite places) Uncle Steve took care of Hattie most days so I could take Nash to therapy alone.  Aidan came with Nash and me the day we had a doctor appointment so he actually got to meet Dr. Paley! Someday he will realize how cool that was :)   Steve came to therapy one day too.  We like to have people see what he goes through in therapy. Some days are better than others but it's our reality and its nice to share this experience with our loved ones.

Another week went by and Nash was doing really well! We had some time to explore and just be together as a family.  We went to a Jupiter Hammerheads minor league baseball game with our friends, the Petraske's. (Charles and Shawna have 3 boys and our kids have a great time together)  Thanks to our friend Cody Oakes who is an umpire here in Florida, who got us tickets right behind home plate! It was great! We also went to a nice area in West Palm Beach called City Place.  Its full of restaurants, shops and live entertainment. We even took a horse and carriage ride.  The kids loved it!!  We took the kids to the Museum of Science and Discovery in Ft. Lauderdale one day (with the Petraske's).  There were lots of fun things for the kids to do and to look at there.  Nash loved the sharks and Hattie loved the baby alligators. They both loved the dinosaur exhibit. It was great!

My friends Katy and Amber visited us next. The stayed for almost a week and it was soooooo nice to have them here! I had been having a hard time lately because, as a hair stylist, I was so used to talking to people all day long.  Since I've been here, I only talk to Chris and the kids. I get to talk at therapy to Nash's therapists and other parents, but I just really needed some "friend time". The girls took me out to dinner the first night to a Mexican restaurant and it was WONDERFUL!! We had a great time together and the rest of their visit went by really fast! They got to see Nash at therapy and helped with Hattie, too.  They helped me with the housework and get ready to pack up our stuff because the day after they left, we moved to another condo for the week.

The move was stressful. We packed the entire condo and cleaned it so the family who owns it could come stay for the week. (They already had this vacation planned when they offered us their place this summer) We just made it into a fun little "vacation". However, we realized that we have A LOT of stuff. We moved to a nice place a few minutes away. It was in Palm Beach Gardens right by the PGA Golf course.  The kids loved the huge playground there and Chris and I loved the trails we could walk and run on.  Chris even saw an alligator on one of his runs! He was pretty excited about that. After a few days there, My parents arrived! They drove here from Iowa and arrived at about 12:30am on July 1st.  It was so nice to have them here!! We moved back into the original condo the following day so they got to help us :) They have been here for a little over a week and leave tomorrow.  We had fun with them here.  Fortunately, they were here to help and help they DID! My mom has been non-stop cleaning, doing laundry and cooking. They both help with the kids and even let Chris and I SLEEEEEEEEP!!!! We didn't realize how tired we were! We got to spend the 4th of July with them and watch the fireworks by the ocean. We took them to the Lion Country Safari (do you see a trend here)? and My mom and I got Mani/Pedis together :)  It was a great visit!

A few weeks ago we got the news that we could get Nash's shoe lift cut down 3cm! He was so excited to get his shoe back with just a small lift on it.  Last week we got the ok to ditch the shoe lift all together!!! Nash was so excited to go shoe shopping and get ANY shoes he wanted.  He picked a pair of Spiderman sandals and some cool high tops from Target. He's so proud that he doesn't have a "big shoe" that he likes to tell anyone that will listen :) He says "Hey, look at me! I have both feet flat on the ground"!  He's so proud. He should be....He's worked hard to get here. The first x-ray we had said we gained 12mm of new bone, the second was 25mm, the third was 38mm and the very latest was 47mm of beautiful, healthy new bone. That is almost 2 inches!! Our goal is 80mm (8cm) or a little over 3 inches. So that means we are OVER HALFWAY DONE!!!

Nash is doing great with his stretches.  The "belly bends" that I was dreading are not very difficult for him.  He does them with little effort and minimal pain.  The issue we have now is the extension (straightening) of his leg.  As the bone grows, the muscles get tighter and the stretches get harder.  There is and important part of keeping his leg straight and it is the 'Knee bar".  It keeps the leg straight during the night while he sleeps.  Nash HATES it. And as I ask around, it seems to be the issue with most kids.  We have to put it on multiple times a day and night just to get him to do it.  He cries the whole time its on. At the appointment yesterday, they suggested that we reduce the amount of turns to 3 times a day instead of 4 times.  So instead of 1mm/day we will get .75mm/day. It's not much in the long run but it means we will most likely be here a little longer.  We were hoping to be done at the beginning of August but it looks like it will be closer to the mid-end of August. If it means less pain for Nash, we are definitely ok with it!

Today is Day 56 of lengthening. We have been here for 9 1/2 weeks. We probably have at least 6 weeks left.  Please keep praying for us because the hard part is at the end. Nash is going to need all the encouragement he can get.  We have received some absolutely wonderful care packages from lots of friends and family. The highlight of his day is checking the mail and getting his very own mail.  If you would like to send him a card of encouragement or something else, he would absolutely love it!! Our address is:

Nash Gehrls
2186 Oakmont Dr
Riviera Beach, FL  33404

Hope everyone is having a great summer!!!!

Boat ride at Panama Hattie's with the Vander Werff's

Cousin fun!

Everyone loves Great Uncle Steve

Hattie and "Unc Steeb"

Family Picture at Lion Country Safari

Nash playing at the park less than 2 weeks after surgery!

Carriage ride at City Place

Carriage ride at City Place

Nash's new bike and he LOVES it!

At Physical Therapy with Jake Petraske (and his dad Charles)

Friend time

Our little swimmer

Daddy is so fun at the pool!!

Third x-ray 38mm

'Super Nash' wanted to go to therapy the other day :)
 He was a big hit!


Megaladon at the Science and Discovery center

That's a scary animal!!

PGA Park fun

Playing at therapy...

At the Jupiter Hammerheads game with Luke Petraske :)

First x-ray 12mm
second x-ray 25mm

Dr. Paley adjusting the Knee Bar

Father's day 2014

Grandma Donna and Hattie on the Carousel

New shoes and 2 feet on the ground!!!!

our latest x-ray 47mm!!

My mom and Hank

Before the fireworks on Flagler street in downtown West Palm Beach

Driving through Lion Country Safari...lookin at the animals :)

Hanging at the park with Luke and Evan Petraske (and a duck)

Hattie and Evan Petraske being weird :)

Friday, May 16, 2014

We're Here!!

This post is a little behind but we have been SUPER BUSY!!

We were getting ready for our summer in Florida by packing, packing and more packing!! The girls at my salon. MOXIE. arranged a benefit for us in the form of a garage sale.  My friend and co-worker, Racquel Pfeiler, came up with the idea and started advertising.  We had donations coming from everywhere!! It was perfect timing because everyone was spring cleaning :)  With the help of all the girls at the salon we had a very successful fundraiser!! Over $2,220! We could not be more excited and thankful to everyone who donated items, help set up/take down and came to shop. 

I know I say this all the time but...We have the best people in our lives!!  It is the most wonderful feeling in the world an it was the perfect "send-off" for our family. Thank you all!!

The morning we left was Sunday, May 4th, 2014.  We were all ready to go we just had to get the kids in the car and realized Hattie had a fever.  She was not a happy girl.  After a dose of ibuprofen, she made it through the flights.  We arrived in sunny, beautiful Florida that afternoon. We went to the apartment we were staying at and settled in.  The next day we had our appointment with Dr. Paley at 9am.  We got x-rays and met with him after.  He (like always) had a team of doctors following him. He looked at the x-rays, explained what he was going to do and we were off!!

The rest of the day was spent at the ZOO!! The kids had a BLAST! The only complaint was when we left Nash said "Mom, we forgot the animals"!  He was under the impression they got to come home with us. Crazy kid :)

The next day Hattie woke up with a fever again and a nasty cough. That is not good for her or her brother!! We were pretty freaked out but she seemed to feel better throughout the day. The Kids and I went on a walk around the neighborhood that day and we came across a Puppy Store so we went to pet the puppies.  The kids LOVED it.  However, Nash Cried and Cried after we left because he wanted a puppy. They were so cute but we are not in the market for a dog right now.  Ever since then he wishes for a puppy every time he throws a penny in a fountain...And there are a lot of fountains around here!

The next day was Hattie's 2nd birthday!! She still wasn't feeling very well and coughing even more. I found an urgent care and we spent 3 1/2 hours there.  Hattie cried and screamed! She was not having it.  It turns out that she had an ear infection (still), bronchitis and upper respiratory infection. We started her on antibiotics and nebulizer treatments that day.  Needless to say, we stayed home that night and we will never forget her 2nd birthday! She is the sweetest, funniest and sassiest little girl and we just love her to pieces.  Our lives wouldn't be the same without her!! She's such a JOY in our world :))

Thursday we had pre-op blood work for Nash. He was amazing! (I will be describing him as this A LOT because he absolutely is!) He watched the nurses take his blood and he told me it didn't even hurt.  Then we had to be back at the hospital later because Nash was a part of Dr. Paley's Clinic and presentation he was holding for the other surgeons there. He had a few cases he was talking about that day but he had Nash's X-rays on power point and they watched Nash walk so they could see how well he has healed from his super hip surgery! It was pretty cool. The surgeons watched his surgery the next day as well.

After that we went to the beach and the kids LOVED it there too!! Nash played in the water for a long time. Hattie played in the sand and she ate a little too! We saw some boys at the beach that were surfing. It was pretty cool! Hattie really enjoyed watching them. :)

The next morning we had to be at the hospital bright and early...6am!  Everyone was in good spirits.  The kids felt good and we were ready for surgery.  This was going to be significantly shorter than his hip surgery.  I walked my sweet boy to the Operating Room and kissed his cheek as they put him to sleep.  There were lots of tears but I knew he was in good hands. 

At 12:15pm Dr. Paley walked into the waiting room and said surgery went very well!! He removed the hardware from the previous hip surgery and installed the fixator which included 9 pins into the bone.  He also injected Botox into the thigh muscle so its easier for Nash to stretch in therapy.  He was very happy with how it went so we felt much better. A little over an hour later I got to see my sweet baby in the recovery room.  He was groggy but good.  We didn't have a room yet so I just laid there and snuggled with him for an hour or so.  Daddy was with Hattie and she was keeping him busy chasing her around like a crazy 2 year old!

When we got our room we got situated and little miss Hattie couldn't keep her hands off of the iv and she just wanted to climb everything. That wasn't going to work so Chris took her back home and I stayed with Nash.  He got sick after drinking some apple juice so we had to wait a while to drink or eat anything else. He was on Morphine and it made him very irritable.  That night was a little rough but the pain was pretty controlled.  The only thing that happened was that he wet through his sheets and his dressings around the pin sites.  The nurse had to change everything at about 3am! The funny thing about hospitals is...The night nurses are WORKING so even if you are sleeping, they'll flip the lights on and do what they need to do! I have a love/hate relationship with that. I really do appreciate the nurses...they have a tough job sometimes!! It seems like there is never a dull moment around there!

The next day Nash was a new kid.  He felt much better but he wasn't happy about his "leg stretcher"  He said "It's heavy! Take it off"! Poor guy. It's hard to explain this whole process to a 3 year old.  He kept telling me that his leg was long enough and he didn't want it longer.  That's about enough to break his parents' hearts :(  We know we are doing this for him and his future but it is not anything I would wish on anyone to have to go through. 

Nash stayed in the hospital one more night and continued to do great! Chris stayed with him the second night and he called in the morning and said we were being DISCHARGED!! It just happened to be Sunday and Mother's Day.  What a great gift...I could snuggle my sweet boy again without iv's and cords attached to him!! We got to the apartment we were staying at and Chris's parents had arrived with our van. We had a good night and were very excited to have the extra help!

The next day was the busiest day we've had so far. It was our first Physical Therapy appointment and  He did AMAZING! The PT session was an hour long and it flew by.  After that we had to go see Tony...He's the guy who teaches"pin care". He unwrapped the gauze and started cleaning Nash's pins. Nash was screaming. I've seen people with fixators on and pins in their legs a lot around here, however, It is a completely different feeling when you see them in your own child. Especially when they are in pain. I actually had to leave the room to cry and catch my breath.  Everyone says it gets easier...I'm just waiting for that to happen.  

After we left the hospital that day, we went to the apartment we were staying at. We had to pack our things, clean, and move to the condo we are staying at for the rest of the summer.  We arrived at the new place around 7pm, unpacked, and got the kids to bed late. We were exhausted. The next day we had to be at therapy at 8am. That is way too early for us! Nash did not want anything to do with it. After therapy we had to go see Tony again.... Nash was NOT happy!! Tony cleaned the pins and we were finally done. We relaxed most of the day and finished unpacking.  The kids made friends with these weird-looking ducks that hang around the neighborhood.  They come right up to us and we feed them little pieces of bread. The kids absolutely love it and I think the ducks do too :)

Therapy on Wednesday was the best one so far.  Nash stood on his own and even walked with the walker! That was amazing because it had only been 5 days since surgery. They did some electric stimulation to his muscle with heat packs as well.  It's supposed to stimulate the muscle and make it stronger. Nash didn't seem to mind at all! He said it tickled. When we got home that day, he actually stood up from his bean bag chair and started walking on his own!! We were in shock!  He was pretty wobbly but it was AMAZING to see him walking again.

We also started turning his screw on Wednesday. It actually separates the bone and new bone grows in between.  That's how you "lengthen" a bone. They call it "distracting" the bone. So every day we turn the screw 4 times. That equals one full turn and it creates 1mm of bone growth. So you basically get 1cm every 10 days and 8cm in 80 days! (that's about 3 1/2 inches) That is our goal... pending any complications. Nash decided HE wants to be the one to turn the screw. Apparently it doesn't hurt so whatever makes him happy...right?!

We had a really fun night that night. We went to the Loggerhead Marine Center in Juno Beach, FL.  It's a rehab center for turtles and they have other sea creatures as well. Nash and Hattie really liked the turtle named "Reef".  He was huge! He had been hit by a boat propeller and it cracked his shell and paralyzed his back legs.  There were screws and other hardware on his shell to help it grow correctly...just like Nash has on his leg! Nash was so amazed and he just sat and watched him for a long time.  I'm sure we will be going back to visit him quite often :)    
The next day at therapy, Nash WALKED in on his own!! It was AWESOME! I think the therapist was even shocked. He had another great session and he really likes the therapist...Lisa.  She's really good with him and he responds to her well. I'm so happy with everything/everyone so far. We've met some great families already and got to see some families we've met before! Our friend, Jake, who was in the hospital room next to us when Nash had his super hip surgery 2 years ago, is here with his family getting his first lengthening this summer, too! It's so nice to see familiar faces and have friends here :)
I've said it before and I'll say it again...We have the best people in our lives.  We have so much love and support from friends and family that it makes this time in our lives so much easier.  Please keep our little Super Nash in your prayers on the good days and the hard ones, too. Pray for patience and strength for Chris and I as we get through those days as well. We are so lucky to be able to spend this summer together as a Family. We will absolutely cherish every moment!
The Super Nash Garage Sale

Auntie Sarah came to see the puppies with us
The sweet puppy we liked
Fun at the Zoo

Miss Hattie's 2nd Birthday

Hattie and her Daddy

Nash and Daddy are over 7ft tall!

Dr. Paley and his entourage

Checking out Nash at his pre-op visit

Dr. Paley admiring how well Nash has healed from super hip surgery! 
Hattie watching the surfer boys :)

Beautiful Juno Beach

Hattie and mommy... Juno Beach Pier

Pre-op Blood work
Morning of surgery

Right before surgery
In recovery right after surgery...Poor guy
Day 2 feeling MUCH better
He's in charge of turning the screw on the "leg stretcher"

Standing 3 days post-op

Standing with a nervous mom

Watching Reef the turtle
At the Mall with Grandma Laura and Grandpa Stew

Walking!! 5 days post op 

Therapy with Lisa and Nemo (he's getting his lucky fin lengthened too)
Hanging out with their duck friends :) 

Feeding the ducks with Grandma